Les Apatrides de la Communauté des Pays des Grands Lacs


Laura Kuenssberg: West facing 'authoritarian' alliance, says Nato chief

Résumé: Jens Stoltenberg told the BBC that Russia, Iran, China and North Korea are increasingly aligned. He also said he was confident allies of the Nato military alliance would agree a long-term funding deal for Ukraine by July.

ore than two years into the conflict in Ukraine, our politicians must grapple with the reality that what is happening there is affected by decisions not just in Moscow and Kyiv but also in Washington DC, Brussels and London, as well as Beijing, Tehran and even Pyongyang.

Meanwhile, six months into the Middle East conflict in Gaza, as Jeremy Bowen writes, solutions are affected by decisions not just by Israelis and Palestinians, but also Iranians, politicians in the US, the Gulf States and the UK.

Most recently, this has centred on a row over arms sales, prompting criticism of the government from all sides. The latest intervention came on Saturday morning from one former Conservative prime minister, Boris Johnson, to another, Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron.

Foreign policy is rarely the overwhelming driver of votes and public opinion in the UK. This is partly because opposition parties traditionally try to avoid fights at home about battles abroad.

It's also partly because voters' top priorities normally centre on their own lives and the prospects for their families. But that does not mean that the public doesn't care, or is immune from the horror they see unfolding on their screens every day, or hasn't been affected by world events - take, for instance, the hug

ore than two years into the conflict in Ukraine, our politicians must grapple with the reality that what is happening there is affected by decisions not just in Moscow and Kyiv but also in Washington DC, Brussels and London, as well as Beijing, Tehran and even Pyongyang.

Meanwhile, six months into the Middle East conflict in Gaza, as Jeremy Bowen writes, solutions are affected by decisions not just by Israelis and Palestinians, but also Iranians, politicians in the US, the Gulf States and the UK.

Most recently, this has centred on a row over arms sales, prompting criticism of the government from all sides. The latest intervention came on Saturday morning from one former Conservative prime minister, Boris Johnson, to another, Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron.

Foreign policy is rarely the overwhelming driver of votes and public opinion in the UK. This is partly because opposition parties traditionally try to avoid fights at home about battles abroad.

It's also partly because voters' top priorities normally centre on their own lives and the prospects for their families. But that does not mean that the public doesn't care, or is immune from the horror they see unfolding on their screens every day, or hasn't been affected by world events - take, for instance, the hug

Date: Apr 06, 2024



Nulla vel viverra auctorleo magna sodales felis, quis malesuada nibh odio ut

Sandra Wood

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